What is Common Sense?

So Just What is Common Sense, Anyway?

Miriam-Webster defines Common Sense as "sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts." This is alright, but it needs more. Now we have to define "sound and prudent" and "simple perception"

What do they mean by these?
The definition of Sound in this case is "Solid, Firm, Stable." Ok, easy enough.
How about Prudent? It means "showing prudence."
My God! Why does Miriam-Webster constantly define words using the word being defined?
Prudence is "skill and good judgment in the use of resources." I guess the resource we want to focus on in this case is the brain!
The applicable definition of perception is "quick, acute, and intuitive cognition." Cognition being defined as "cognitive mental processes." There they go again!
Cognitive being defined as "of, relating to, being, or involving conscious intellectual activity (as thinking, reasoning, or remembering)."

So just how does Miriam-Webster define Common Sense? hmmm... How about this? Stable and good judgement based on a simple thinking of the situation or facts. Nope. Still don't like it. I hearby proclaim Miriam-Webster as not having Common Sense!

Common Sense is defined by Dictionary.reference.com as "plain ordinary good judgment; sound practical sense." Wow! Much better than Miriam-Webster! Easy to understand. Short and to the point.

Not a bad definition. Most people would agree with this, right? Following the etymology of the term, though, I find a much better definition. Etymology of Common Sense: originally the power of uniting mentally the impressions conveyed by the five physical senses, thus "ordinary understanding, without which one is foolish or insane".

That's it! Ordinary understanding, without which, one is foolish or insane. Perfect! That is now my official definition of Common Sense. Anyone reading this definition who doesn't understand - doesn't have any...

I will not focus on the insane here. We can forgive the insane. They are, after all, insane. The foolish don't have an excuse, or do they? And if they do, how do we fix it so fewer foolish people are unleashed on the public?